Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Final Bullpen of the Spring Season!

Hi Men - Tomorrow morning at 6:30 AM at the Sunrise Cafe we will have our final Bullpen. We normally discuss questions related to last weeks message and then tackle a current, hot or controversial topic.

This final week we will discuss the following question: If scripture says that true religion is to care for orphans & widows in their distress & to keep oneself from being polluted by the world, what does that say about how we should be living as followers of Christ?

Tomorrow following the Bullpen - I'll post some of the responses from our discussion. If you have not been able to attend - I'd love to have you post your responses here as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Pastor Scott

Great Books to Check Out

  • The Fine Line - Kary Oberbrunner
  • Fasting - Jentezen Franklin
  • The Shack
  • Under The Overpass by Mike Yankoski
  • Heaven Is In This House - Bobbie Houston
  • Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels
  • UnChristian by David Kinnaman