Christmas Eve service begins in just under 3 hours! 2009 has come and gone so quickly! For many perhaps it has not been quickly enough. Suffice it to say, 2009 has been a hard year in many ways. We see so much pain in the financial situation of families, the health of relationships and uncertainty with jobs & more.
However crazy Christmas may seem when it comes to commitments & obligations....I encourage you to stop, if even for a short while. Stop and contemplate why we celebrate this holiday. Has the birth of Jesus made a difference in the way that you live your life? If so, stop and thank Him that he cared enough to enter our world, live a perfect life & give it away unselfishly so that we could live. Thank Him for the opportunity He has given us to be in relationship with the Father. He says, "If you know me, you have come to know my Father in heaven."
Tonight - we celebrate "The Savior of Christmas". It is about hope. It is about life. It is about our lives being changed because of this one event in history.
Join us at Oasis Life Church, 19756 N. John Wayne Pkwy, Suite 108 at 6PM tonight for a celebration of dance, worship, Christmas carols and an interactive message including adults & children. The service is just one hour long and there is childcare for 0-5 yrs old. Refreshments will be served and the service will end with a candlelight ceremony with the singing of "Silent Night".
Merry Christmas!
With Love - Pastor Scott
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