Today is the last day that Chad & Mandie Platt, our Hydrate pastors are with us. Tonight they'll have a final New Year's Eve party with the youth and staff.
Thank you for your sacrifice! Thank you for the seeds you have planted. In January of 2006, we met for the first time in our house in Cobblestone. From that day to now - you have been so committed, so engaged - so ready to make a difference. At the time - the youth group would be called H2O but you soon breathed life into another "water" name and Hydrate was born. 

Chad & Mandie - when I put you up to a challenge - you always came through. Will we ever forget that I randomly announced that the following week would be "Double the Youth Group" week? That next week you rallied the troups and you went from 19 to 38 in attendance! You've got what it takes to lead - this has been only the beginning of your journey.
We love you and wish you the very best as you finish your education. We will be praying for you and waiting to hear of all that God is doing in your lives. Portland's gain is our loss!