How do we keep up with all this new technology? As a pastor, I'm checking all this out to see how it can be effective in reaching out, staying in touch, encouraging, training and connecting with unreached generations by the church. But - I have to admit that it is kind of crazy trying to keep up and not let these new tools consume too much time. How to learn effectiveness without losing balance and focus?
Here's an overview of what I'm trying. I'd love to connect with you in these places as well.
Twitter - a mini-blogging tool that answers the question - what are you doing? Check it out at http://www.twitter.com/ and you can subscribe to follow me on Twitter at oasislifeScott . Twitter can be viewed on your computer and on many phone applications. Updates can be sent and received via text as well. I use it to update my Facebook status as well.
Facebook - single handedly the best tool online to connect with friends, family, business associates, church members and just about anyone. I've been able to make connections with people that I've not talked to in over 2 decades. I've connected with pastors, authors, musicians, actors and most importantly lots of people at Oasis Life Church. While it can be an addictive past time, I think it might just be the front line in the modern world of encouragement. Connect with me on Facebook at Scott Helsel
Tokbox - this is a new tool that I just discovered as a result of a tweet (a twitter update) by Geoff Surratt of Seacoast Church in SC. This is a new videoconferencing tool that can be used free of charge and without downloading any software. Just sign up and connect with others by inviting them to join you online. If you don't have a camera connected to your computer - you can do just audio. I've not really used it too much yet but hope to start using this for training and mentoring connections with other pastors around the country. I can also see some great small group or discipleship applications coming. How about outreach sessions to answer questions that provoke conversation? I think we are going to see this explode and be a huge par of our future! Connect with me on Tokbox at http://www.tokbox.com/Scott754
And - we now use Constant Contact to be more effective in our newsletter and communication with the church and community. The more - well, I know that there will be more and more technologies that I'll be checking out. Let me know what technology you use everyday and let's stay in touch! - Blessings - Pastor Scott
yes, what I sent previously was a hard message to deal with. Perhaps that is why you did not post it. Keep it light and fluffy then?
I think you would get more responses is you did tackle these tough issues. If one has to keep it light and fluffy, then what is the point. It turns into just time consuming. Who needs that? Too much of that out there already. If you really want to connect with people, you have to go deep. That's my opinion.
Dear Anonymous - since you didn't identify yourself this time - I ca only assume that you are referring to the post you made regard tithing? If you check the blog - you will see that I did post your comment - however, it was a it delayed. It appears that you have a great deal of background in this area so I am sure that it would be difficult to debate with your view. However - my question is: if we would have to teach that all OT laws were to be followed to teach tithing as Biblical - have even the 10 commandments become somthing that we need now follow? Again - it would appear that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and not the abolishment of it. In every case where he discussed the law - he even raised the bar. So - should we not assume that in NT times - it all belongs to him? I agree - it is a heart issue and I also believe that everytime we ask God to reveal how much we should give - the answer is never less but always more. My prayer is that we all become more generous as we become transformed into His likeness.
No, no, no. What anonymous is referring to in the 12:44 am and 12:50 am posts is this:
Caught off guard. I tried facebook because you mentioned it. After looking you up, I tried a few face links. I was expecting to see all faces, but one of the pictures had a picture of a young female bent over in underwear. All you could see was the top of her underwear, her back, arms, and part of her neck: no shirt on. My 1st thought was, "Oh my God. What is this site?" Curious to see where this would go, I clicked. Sure enough, some of her friends were more scanty. One or two more clicks and barely a g-string, naked breasts, and bingo, I felt like it was pornography. I was shocked. First, I did not expect to see anything but faces. Second, within seconds, it felt like I was seeing pornography.
In some ways I regret going to that site. It brought out a moment of lust, for which I had to repent. Thankfully, after the shock, I was able to change my focus and activate my mind elsewhere: I had to play a card game to distract my thoughts and mental pictures. I'm glad to say, I did not get drawn into that smut as I might have when younger. How sad it is. Our culture takes some tool, which in itself is not corrupt, and defames it. Just like that, innocently meandering led to a lure, which leads one deeper and deeper towards sin until sin is conceived. At what point did I sin, I am not sure. Nonetheless, I want forgiveness for the little I did see.
On the other hand, I am glad I became aware of the potential for this site to go south quickly. It may be a good resource for connecting to others, but it is not for the weak minded and those without self restraint. Besides the potential for pornography, it screams, “Look at me, my friends, what I have. Don’t you want to be like me? If you want to be cool like me, you have to post yourself. What you’re not on facebook, what is wrong with you.” It has the potential for bringing out jealousy and covetousness, eyes on others, and not on God. I definitely don’t want my child hanging out there, at least not until better equipped to handle subtle lures and enticements.
Dear Anonymous - sorry to hear that your first experience with facebook did not go so well. As you stated - something that in itself is not corrupt can be defamed.
My experience with FB has been totally differnent in that to date, I've not had any run-in's with pornographic content. This is why I chose to use this platform as opposed to MySpace and others that lend itself to more of this.
As always - it is in the hand of the user to make the best of the tool. I can with a clear conscience state that I use this tool for relational networking and encouragement opportunities. Should it ever go another way - I'll discontinue using it!
One caveat - I'm not able to control the content on my friend's pages and should there be a problem, a person can be blocked so that I can no longer see their pages and vice versa. A question -was the person with these images listed a one of my friends - if so, I'd like to know. Perhaps the best way to get me this info would be to email me at pastorscott@oasislifechurch.org . I one of my friends has content out there that could be construed as pornograpic, I may need to block this person.
Thank you for your engaging conversation. I pray that your single interaction with this tool will not set your thinking for all networking tools. However, I do understand that this is not for everyone.
FYI - there is another networking site that is specifically for churches and it's members at www.MyChurch.org It is very good or internal networking but lacks the reach of a FB platform.
Have a blessed day
No, Scott, What I saw was when I decided to look for old highschool friends (looked at about 5)that I had not seen in a long time. I also looked up myself, my 2 brothers. Never did see any of my friend. I also learned there is about 8 of me. Not sure which person this happened on, but I know it was a few clicks later.
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