Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve 2009 is upon us

Friday, July 3, 2009
"At the Kids Movies" is coming back to Oasis!

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Oasis Sunday Night Reflections
It's Sunday night and Caryl is putting Johnny to sleep after a very long day. Here are just a few reflections for a Sunday night:
- God is working in our midst!
- Today was a powerful and awesome conclusion to our series "Sexual Revolution"
- Response time was incredible today as dozens posted their shame on the cross, lit a candle for purity in their lives, were anointed for healing and received communion!
- Seeing people get "shame off of them" is worth it
- This sexual revolution that has begun between our ears and not between the sheets needs to continue from generation to generation!
- Can I just say that my wife gave one of the best talks about sex ever last week! Men and women alike need to listen to this! Here's a link - http://tinyurl.com/ca2d7u
- I don't know about you but I'll forever think of the hand motions to "Trading My Sorrow" to be equated with the phrase "shame off you"
- We are seeing a lot of visitors this year! Praise God and by the way it seems like "Google" is one of the main way people find us in Maricopa!
- Six people baptized today in a beautiful ceremony in the pool of Daniel & Susi Wagner!
- What incredible testimonies we heard from all of them!
- And nearly 100 people came to eat, hang out and witness this incredible event!
- Baptism is one of my favorite things we get to do in the church - cutting off the old man and moving forward in what God has for us has so much meaning!
- Windy - can you say windy this afternoon?
- The wind always reminds me of the Holy Spirit. And - the Holy Spirit is moving in our midst - bringing us peace and freedom, hope and life!
- I think a few people may have missed out on an incredible day because of March Madness and the playoffs! - Anyway - God still has something for you too!
- Can you believe that next week we start the series that will lead us into Easter?
- The series will be "Famous Last Words" - as we explore the last 16 Words of Jesus as he hung on the cross - powerful, life changing!
- Didn't realize that the youth leaders would get about an hours rest before they had to be at Hydrate - oops - we'll have to do something different next time we have baptism.
- Thank you for all the prayers for our brother-in-law, David Sharp. He had quadruple bypass surgery in Panama City, FL on Friday and we just learned that he got out of ICU this afternoon. Hopefully he'll be going home very soon!
- Please pray for the finances of the church - like everywhere - things are tight and we trust God for all our needs. Pray that he will release the financial blessings that he has in store for us all!
- Caryl, Susan, Josh, Emily, Sean, Cheryl, Brandon, David, Carrie and so many others - thank you for the time, energy and passion you devote to this ministry! You are making a difference! I love you all!
- Turning 44 this week - Yikes! But as my 100 yr old great grandmother used to say "Age is a matter of the mind." If you don't mind - it doesn't matter!
- Have an awesome week and here is to believing it won't take another months until I post again!
Ok - time to relax and get some much needed sleep - Blessings - Pastor Scott
Monday, February 16, 2009
Manic Monday? Poop, Poison, Run Away Dog, Hospitals and More!
I didn't get out of bed until nearly 9:30 and that was a good start. However within the first 30 minutes we had an elderly Alzheimer father in-law who had a fecal accident. My mother-in-law was not feeling well and attempted to get him changed. Soon I couldn't find our 10 wk old puppy, only to find her eating poop in the bathroom a few minutes later. I quickly got her cleaned up and back in her kennel for some rest.
Caryl got her dad shower and got him dressed for the day. During this time we noticed that her mom was more disoriented than the day before and that she continued to have some jerking of her arm. Her medicines had just been changed a few days ago so we've been believing that this is side-affects of the new medicines. As the morning progressed we noticed that she was getting worse so we called her doctor. He recommended that she go to the hospital to be evaluated and rule out anything that may be going wrong.
Meanwhile- I had a call to help a family get a tow dolly to go pick up a car in Tucson. When we were at U-haul it turned out that the vehicle they had to pull the dolly/car was not large enough so we couldn't make this work.
Our niece, Melyssa came to help with dad while Caryl was at the doctor. What a huge help and Marley came along to play and Johnny was entertained. About mid-afternoon dad let Little-Man (Mom's escape artist Bichon Frise) out the front door. Melyssa was able to get him back but not before dad had made his way partially down the street. Meanwhile I was partially oblivious as Johnny was doing a poop and Marley was playing upstairs. Soon Daniel, my awesome friend next door, was ringing the doorbell to deliver dad back home.
Around 4 Pm I arrived back from the store with a few items that we needed for the day. Around that time I had Susan come by to help rearrange mom/dad's room so that she would have a more comfortable bed. Meanwhile Melyssa took dad, Marley and Johnny outside - and I believed all the dogs were along. Once I thought I heard something and I went to check and see if a dog had been trapped in our pantry - didn't see anything.
Then about 5 min later Johnny comes to tell me that Sydney (our 10 wk old Mastiff puppy) had been trapped in the pantry. Not sure how she got in there other than that she followed Johnny in for a snack. Well, her snack was a tray of phosphorescent blue rat poison. Called her vet. They said make her vomit by using peroxide and then get her to the Doggy ER as quickly as possible. Didn't seem like she would vomit and then we finally had HUGE piles of blue vomit - lovely and then other dogs trying to get into it. I'd like to say I kept my cool but I yelled a bit and was rather forceful with everyone. Finally I'm off to the ER vet which is 30 minutes away in Chandler. Melyssa & Susan both agreed to stay behind and clean up the vomit, watch dad and keep the kids entertained.
The vet was so professional and so good. I'd like to say I've never been there before but our epileptic Dalmatian of days gone by made quite a few visits. Turns out the vomiting was good for Sydney. She got a good dose of liquid charcoal, a Vitamin K shot, an IV and a prescription for 21 days of Vitamin K. At the end of that we'll check her clotting levels and if they are OK we'll be done - if not - more Vitamin K. Fortunately second generation rat poisons are treatable and we should have a full grown Mastiff in the year to come! Praise God as I already love this dog and could not face Kelvin (the breeder) if she had not survived!
Meanwhile Caryl and mom have now been in ER for over 12 hours. She was seen by a doctor in the past hour. Prior to that they did about 5 tests - chest X-Ray, Head CT, Blood work, Urine tests and more. They are now looking to admit her as her oxygen levels have not been good, swelling is very bad and they want to run a few more tests. Looks like it could be 3-8 hrs until she gets a room - Wow do we need more capacity in health care in AZ or what?
The puppy is sleeping. My son is sleeping and Susan is staying over to help with him. Dad is changed for a final time and in bed asleep. I'm catching up on some blogging and other online stuff and will take my position on the couch downstairs very soon. Have to to be sure Dad doesn't get out again tonight!
I really have laughed today - what else could we do? Was it just another Manic Monday? You decide!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Oasis Sunday Night Reflections
- Sex seems easy to talk about just about anywhere but church
- This was definitely the first time that I've spoken in a public format about sex
- The lies of the enemy about sex are so distorted that as the church we have to get the message out
- Sex is not just physical, it's emotional & spiritual as well.
- God created sex and he wants those who are married to have an awesome sex life. Remember if you keep it in the "fire pit" then it will be healthy and productive. If sex is outside the "fire-pit" there is opportunity for great and wide sweeping destruction
- God did set up his standards on sex so that he could control us and keep us from having a "good time" here on earth. He did it to protect us.
- Not to protect us from pregnancy & disease but rather to protect our souls.
- Don't let the enemy mess up your soul so that you cannot have intimacy as God created it. If he can mess it up in your vertical relationships it will get messed up in your vertical relationship with God.
- I love Perry Noble's tweet today - "Jesus didn't call me into ministry because I'm good...but because HE is good!" Man, does my soul resonate with that!
- Every day I thank God for the opportunity to do what I'm doing. I am the most unlikely person to be leading a church.
- Those he calls, he equips.
- Humility counts
- I love it when we see people at Oasis becoming the hands & feet of Jesus. What an awesome week of seeing those who are less fortunate have an encounter with followers who are laying down their lives for others.
- Please pray comfort for the Howard family as they lost a 29 yr old niece this week, who had a 6 week old baby as well. She passed away from complications from pneumonia & MRSA - hard to make sense of such a loss. Holy Spirit, come and be comfort that only you can provide.
- I love living where I do. I love the city of Maricopa and I love living on the street I do. I love being next door to someone that I count a such a good friend. Really fun to be out on the street this evening with so many neighbors and our kids - community - it matters!
- Still praying for the 30 families and individuals that God has for us to step up and serve at Oasis in the next few months. We are well on our way!
- Had an awesome Valentines day with my wife! Hadn't had a date in nearly 5 months so we were long over due! We enjoyed an awesome movie "Slumdog Millionaire" and then ate sushi at RA Sushi - what a treat!
- Love the momentum we are experiencing!
- Looking forward to all that God has in store for us at Oasis.
- Do you believe that the wall is coming down? I believe!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
So is our thinking about sex really that distorted?

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Breaking the 21 Day Fast - It's Past Sundown!
While I was excited to eat the spinach, ricotta stuffed shells that my mom made us all, there was an overwhelming sense that 21 awesome days had come to an end. Will I remember all the incredible lessons that have come during this fast?
I plan to write more about this in the days that come, however tonight here are just a few reflections:
- We have control over what goes into our bodies. We are not powerless over our surroundings and the alluring marketing of food in our culture!
- If I want my passion level to increase for God, giving up food or something else that I enjoy is a small price to pay.
- The Lord of the Harvest is sending forth his workers into the harvest - thank you God! We continue to pray for the 30 families and individuals that are going to sign up to serve in one way or another.
- Salvation in the house! May we never tire of seeing more people give their lives over to Him each week!
- We must be ready to disciple and lead the way! Continue to raise up individuals who are willing to work with those who are new in their faith.
- Fasting is a practice that I look forward to having in every month of my year in 2009!
Jesus, may I become less so that you can become more!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Fasting? What are you learning?

Today a friend asked me what God has been saying to me during this fast. There is so much to say. First - I'm so pumped about fasting. This is now our 3rd 21-day fast at the beginning of the new year at Oasis. Each year God reveals himself to me and our church as we forgo food to seek clarity. This year, more than any other year the discipline factor of fasting has not been a struggle. From day one there has been clarity and answers. We've prayed for salvation to be in our house and in the last 3-weeks there have been 18 people give their lives to Christ.
We've prayed that God will send the workers. We press on in this regard and know that we must continue to ask the Lord of the Harvest to send his workers. And - in 2-weeks we've had 26 new families or individuals give us their information. Already many are asking how they can serve!
More than anything this fast has been the "spiritual atomic bomb" that Bill Bright & Stovall Weems speak of when they talk about fasting. I can't say I ever have a day that I don't love God - but my passion level can wane. I can become stressed out and focused on what does not matter. In the past 16 days my passion level had gone WAY up! And I know that I want it to stay up, even move on up!
So, if putting aside food and other distractions on a regular basis - to fast - is going to increase my passion for the Kingdom then I am in! New school fasting- seeking to be in alignment with what God is up to all around us and then joining in! Clarity in what matters! Cleaning out the cob webs! Revving the engine! Let's go for it!
So are you fasting? What are you learning?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday Night Reflections
- Fasting is soooo worth it! Should I not be willing to forgo the food I love so much to hear from God? Is not his Kingdom worth it? Is my family not worth it? Are unbelievers worth it? On all accounts - yes! Forgo food and be ready to receive!
- Salvation is in house! Three weeks and 18 decisions for Christ at Oasis! It never gets old seeing people make the connection and then get reconnected to the Father! He is calling His children home.
- We need workers! The harvest is plenty but few are those who are there to lead, to disciple to love, to influence to give!
- I think our 10:30 svc today had the most kids we've ever had at one service - 61 in KidSplash today with 10 workers! Wow! What a ride!
- Can you make the 8:30 service? We could definitely accommodate more people in the first service! If you are willing and able - this would allow us to have more room for visitors which are more likely to attend the 10:30 service.
- Can I just say - that wall MUST come down!
- Will you pray with me that Oasis will give consistently of their resources so that we can see that wall come down?
- More people attending but still not meeting our budget per month! God I trust you and pray you will release your provision for your work here in Maricopa. Find us faithful to you!
- Ok - "30-Days to Live" might be the most challenging series we've done yet! It has been messing me up every week and the response has been one we've not seen in some time - if ever!
- We turn 2 years old as a church in just 2 weeks! Hardly seems possible but it is about to come to pass.
- Can't wait for our dream team party on Feb 7th! Love to celebrate everyone who makes this all happen week in and week out!
- Caryl & I cannot do this all ourselves - we love our staff and we love the Dream Team! Thank you for the way you give your lives away!
- Caryl is traveling this week and then hopefully will be home with us for a month or so! Thank you God - we need the mama at home!
- My parents arrive this Wed night and can't wait for Super Bowl next Sunday - Cardinals here and my parents for Steelers! Should be fun. Johnny says he's just rooting for the Super Bowl!
- Yes - we are getting a new dog! A beautiful Mastiff puppy that most likely will also become a part of our family next Sunday! Time to hide the shoes!
There is so much more I could say but it is WAY past the time I should be in bed tonight! Johnny has school in the AM and that means dad has to get up early!
With love - Pastor Scott
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Oasis Sunday Night Reflections
Here goes:
- Week 2 of "30 Days to Live" was more intense than week one. Perhaps one of the most difficult messages I've had to bring but so worth it!
- Did I honestly say out loud today "if you don't give to God, you don't love God"? Again, can't apologize for that because it is the truth. If you are struggling with that, you've got to check your heart because love gives!
- Love gives of our finances, of our time and of our lives!
- God is moving in 2009 - 3 weeks in and we have 13 commitments for Christ already!
- Lord of the harvest - send your workers! We need help to do discipleship, follow up, hospitality, more kids- the harvest is plenty but where are the committed followers who will do the work?
- First service attendance was up today - think it had something to do with Cardinals - Eagles game!
- Can I just shout out! AZ CARDINALS are in the Super Bowl. So excited for our state and for Kurt Warner - the man! Perry Noble says this might be one of the last great prophecies to be fulfilled before Jesus comes back! LOL
- To top it off Steelers won today so this means the when my parents arrive in a few weeks we will have a rivalry in the house for Super Bowl Sunday! Gotta love it! This is like perfect alignment of the stars!
- Awakening 2009 is an awesome privilege and man are we blessed to be a part of this! Awaken our souls oh God, may we see you and your will more perfectly!
- Answered prayer - salvation in the house and protection for my family from illness as Caryl & I cared for very sick parents this week! God is good
- Oasis - looking to know your specific prayers so I can pray for your during this fast! Send them to my email. I encourage you to seek Him as well but it would be my privilege to intercede on your behalf!
- We are just about to turn 2 years old as a church! So looking forward to our celebration dinner for the Dream Team! If you serve or have served in the past year - mark Sat. Feb 7 on your calendar as we celebrate you! We'll meet at 5:30 at the church for catered dinner for adults and a movie night with their own meal, popcorn and more for the kids!
- The Shell across the street from our church is selling drug paraphernalia and some local groups and individuals are working to convince them to stop. Check out local media outlets for stories and details! Most of all pray - we can see this removed from our city! Earlier this week they agreed to stop and then reversed their decision.
- Caryl is traveling the next two weeks! Please pray for her as it is a struggle for her to be away from the family! And we miss her!
- Making a final decision about adding a new puppy to our household! Are we crazy?
- "Pray for Maricopa" is coming this weekend! Don't miss it as we join together with believers of all denominations and backgrounds to pray for our city, our churches, our families, our country, our schools and our future! Imagine what could happen!
- Praying and believing for what is ahead! We're just getting started!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Answered Prayers

- Salvation to come to our house - last Sunday (first day of our prayer & fast) we had 8 people give their life to Christ! May we be on our knees daily for those who have not yet come to Jesus.
- We prayed with a team on Tuesday night that a local convenience store owner would have a change of heart and remove drug paraphernalia from his merchandise counter. On Wed he made an unexpected stop at his store and M.A.S.H. and a concerned local activist met with him. He has agreed to remove the merchandise within 4 days. More territory taken back!
- Caryl & I had nearly 3 days of intense care for her parents on Mon-Wed of this week. They came down with the flu and due to Alzheimer's and lack of mobility we had to clean up lots of bodily fluids (and other things that I'd rather not put in writing). We have been fasting and praying that we would not get this flu so we could continue to care for them and for our flock at Oasis. Now 3 days later we appear to have been spared. Caryl had a mild touch of it and I only lacked energy for a day. Today we are energized and preparing to bring the Word tomorrow! Thank you God for your protection.
We look forward to the opportunity to pray with and for you. Please send me your prayer requests at pastorscott@oasislifechurch.org or post them here on my blog if you want them to be public.
Don't forget to send me updates on how God answers your prayer! He may have far more than you could have asked, believed or imagined in store for you!
With love- Pastor Scott
Thursday, January 15, 2009
This Was an Eye Opener!
The three duties of every Christian are giving, praying and fasting. Matt 6:1-18 gives very strong guidance regarding when we give, when we pray and when we fast. Jentezen says that this creates a threefold cord that is not easily broken. Could we be missing out on great breakthrough and release because we fail to fast?
I know that my actions are not going to make God love me more. But, I sure can tell the difference between being dry and being full. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Matt 5:6) Isn't forgoing food or drink for a period of time worth it to have a deeper understanding of the relationship God desires with us? Wouldn't it be worth it to have more of his character revealed?
God, like never before I want my attention to be turned from my stomach, from my desires, from my needs, from my wants, from my concerns - to Your Kingdom! Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven!
So what do you think?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Awakening 2009

Join us as we pray and fast from Jan 11 to Jan 31. For daily devotion and reading resources, see http://www.awake21.org/ You'll also find insightful blog entries and encouragement from other believers joining together in Awakening.
Oasis Sunday Night Reflections

Here are some thoughts from today:
- We kicked off our 21 day prayer & fasting and we are partnering with http://www.awake21.org/
- First service attendance was really down - not sure what to make of that!
- Second service was well attended but we could have been at overflow if there were not football playoff games and the flu going around!
- "30 Days to Live" is going to be an awesome series that will challenge us all to evaluate how we make decisions in our life. What is your filter?
- 8 people made a decision to give their life to Jesus today! Man - this is why we are here and this never gets old!
- Our Dream Team rocks!
- Nearly 50 members of our dream team stayed for a meeting and training today.
- Many members of our team ate raw vegetables without Ranch dressing today for the first time.
- You can eat really healthy and be satisfied on the Daniel fast!
- Our new KidSplash rooms look incredible - thank you to everyone who helped to paint and re-arrange them over the Christmas break.
- Trying to give up coffee/caffeine during this fast- had less today but not sure how I will do in the days ahead. My wife and friends usually beg me not to stop drinking coffee- they say I'm grumpy when I don't?
- I like the thought that Stovall Weems posted last week that coffee is a bean juice and should be legal on a fast!
- Fasting is no about twisting the arm of God but rather about coming into alignment.
- Take fasting serious but don't be so legalistic that you miss the point - it's about seeking after God in a way that allows for spiritual & physical purification. For spiritual purification, we must replace time eating, watching TV, listening to the radio, etc with time in God's presence and in His Word. For physical purification, it will take the elimination of many foods.
- Just take the next step - if you've never fasted, try it for a day or two. If you've never fasted food - try it. Perhaps you need to fast technology.
- On that point - I'm fasting Facebook and Twitter for the 21 days of this fast - this may be harder than giving up any food!
- Coming out of the fast, I am going to be working on some additional lifestyle issues so that I can successfully drop the 40 pounds that need to be gone from this body in 2009!
- Been thinking about the few comments that I've been hearing that we don't offer enough programs - must stay true to the vision that God has given and often know more when to say "no" than to say "yes".
- God is good - no matter the set backs.
- God is good- even when it seems that he is not.
- God is good - his mercy endures forever!
Great Books to Check Out
- The Fine Line - Kary Oberbrunner
- Fasting - Jentezen Franklin
- The Shack
- Under The Overpass by Mike Yankoski
- Heaven Is In This House - Bobbie Houston
- Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels
- UnChristian by David Kinnaman